EL Barn Quilts LLC Services

Get In Touch
Get in contact with me by filling out the form under the contact page. If you have our number or email, you can contact us that way as well. When you call please tell us if you have an idea of what you are looking for in a barn quilt. We can design your barn quilt over email or we can set up a design meeting in person or over zoom. You can also send me a design and have me send you color combinations.
When we meet for the first time we can come to you if you don't know the size we can look at your buildings and give you our best opinion. We then will talk design and if you have one picked out or not. We then will talk colors, we have a swatch book from Sherwin Williams that we will have you look at to pick out colors. Once all of that is done we will quote you the price for the barn quilt. we ask for a 50% down payment on any of our products.

Design Meeting
Once the barn quilt is completed we will get in contact with you to set up either pick up to drop off. Once the barn quilt is picked up or delivered we would love a picture of the barn quilt hung and would also love it if you had it registered.